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COVID-19 and Pet Birds
March 15, 2020 by Stephanie Lamb, DVM, DABVP (Avian Practice)
Is COVID-19 a concern for our parrots? suju/Pixabay
UPDATE, March 19, 2020: Since this article first published, the Pomeranian dog mentioned in it has died…

Summertime Safety
Summertime adventures brings certain risks along with the fun. Learn about what safety measures are essential to protecting our birds.

How to Handle Power Outages: Tackling the Darkness and the Cold
Now that the fall is upon us, many people are beginning to be concerned about power outages. A question some bird owners may be asking is, “what can I do to make a power outage as safe and as non-scary as possible for my bird”? The two…

UVB Lights Information
Benefits & Risks
One of the goals of enriching the lives of our companion birds is to ensure that they receive optimal environmental conditions. As Guardians of our birds' health, another important goal is to avoid causing harm. UV lighting…

What do I do if my Bird Lays Eggs?
First we need to understand what triggers egg laying. There are several factors that influence egg-laying birds:
Day length
Temperature of environment
Nutritional status of the bird
Strength of bond between owner…

First Aid Kit
Deciding what should be in your first aid kit for avian emergencies will depend on how comfortable you are in carrying out certain procedures, the availability of an avian veterinarian in your area, and your own knowledge of avian medicine.

Products We Will NOT Recommend and Why
There are a bunch of materials that we think will work when taking care of birds, but there here is a list that is really bad for your feathery friend.
Gravel/grit or Sandpaper products such as perch covers or cage liners
Gravel is not…

The one-person bird (AKA:The ‘you must like everybody you meet fallacy’)
A common complaint heard by behaviorists, is the inability of some parrots to "like" EVERY individual in a human flock, and to socialize equally with each flock member. Choosing to compare birds to humans, is rarely appropriate. However, if we do choose to judge bird behavior by human terms, we then should think about what this would mean for a human.

Why clip a bird wings?
Each pet bird owner, from small Budgies to large Macaws, is faced with the decision of whether to clip their pet's wings. To help you make an informed decision, here are some pros and cons, which can be applied to your particular bird and situation.

What can I do to stop my bird from biting?
Parrots use their beaks for many more reasons than aggressive biting. Most people consider any biting to be aggression. By our own reactions to a bird using its beak, we can actually cause the bird to begin a lifetime of biting. It is a mistake…

Can I put my two pet birds in the same cage?
In some cases 2 birds can be housed in the same cage. However, for safety, each pet owner must assess the situation carefully and proceed with caution.
As a general rule, 2 birds of the same species do best together, and usually of…

How can I get my bird to eat pellets or vegetables if he only likes seed?
Offer pellets dry, mixed with seed at first to introduce the product so it will be recognized as "food". We have found this does not always work. Quite often placing the seed at a lower level in the cage, and the new foods up beside a favorite…

What should I line the bottom of my Bird’s Cage with?
There are many types of bedding on the market for cage lining. We are listing some and the related experiences.
Pine, corn cob, and walnut beddings give the appearance of being clean. However, because of its clean appearance, these…

What Causes Stress For Your Bird
Most bird owners soon realize that stress can cause both physical and psychological damage to birds. However, over the years we have learned that many persons are not aware of what exactly causes stress in birds. It is wise for pet owners…