Popsicle Swirl
Popsicle sticks are very popular among the little birds like budgies. Their wood material is excellent for keeping beaks from overgrowing or becoming too sharp, and their slim nature makes them suitable for smaller birds for whom wooden toys are difficult to come by. The Vari Fan toy consists of a stack of veggie dyed popsicle sticks that can be spun around individually. =
SKU: PT 617
Categories: Featherland Paradise, Toys
Store Opening Hours
Tuesday-Saturday: 10:15-5:30
Sunday: 12:00-5:00
Monday: Closed
The Blog
- Summertime SafetyMay 17, 2019 - 11:14 am
West Coast Tropical Bird Studio
1952 W. Broadway, Vancouver,
BC, V6J 1Z2
Phone: 604-733-6246
Email: sales@wctropicalbird.com
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